Studies related to the use of activated carbon in teeth

In one of the studies published in The Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) on the decontrifuges based on activated charcoal titled Charcoal and charcoal-based dentifrices, a review of different articles related to the subject was carried out. ; found 13 studies on the use of activated carbon products for oral hygiene; of which 6 reported clinical observations of brushing teeth with charcoal, 2 in which there was a reduction in caries , compared with brushing with or without toothpaste, although it is not specified how high this reduction was; 3 in which adverse results for oral health were observed, such as increased caries, abrasion of the enamel and some unspecified negative effects and a study in which no type of negative effect on oral hygiene was obtained.

Additionally, they found 7 studies that reported on the use of charcoal for oral hygiene, but did not make comparisons of effectiveness with other methods of oral hygiene.

This study warns about the fact that it is properly expressed that it is products with antifungal, antiviral and oral properties, antibacterial detoxification, among others; for these are statements without any theoretical foundation and without clinical studies to support them.

Finally, they conclude that the clinical or laboratory data found during their investigation (until February 2017) are not enough to confirm if it is a really safe and effective product, because studies on a larger scale are needed to determine this.

In another of the publications of the page JADA, titled Kramer’s Original Charcoal Dental Cream-not Acceptable for ADR, the Association evaluates this dentifrice that contains within its components, namely, neutral soap, glycerin, calcium carbonate, magnesia carbonate, sodium salicylate, sodium benzonate, saccharine, peppermint oils, clove, cinnamon, anise, distilled water and 1% carbon, which as mentioned above has been used for years due to the absorbent properties of this material.

However, due to the fact that clinical experiences were recorded in which the carbon particles were embedded in the gums, producing a bluish line that could only be removed surgically and that no evidence to exempt To this dentifrice of these objections, the Association decides not to admit the dental cream Kramer to the Accepted Dental Remedies (ADR).

The non-acceptance of this product is due to the fact that it is a daily dentifrice containing carbon, which is a compound that can be potentially harmful to dental health and will only change this decision if proofs are presented that demonstrate that this product is suitable for to be used without causing oral problems.

In a third article entitled More on charcoal and charcoal-based dentifrices, published after the first article mentioned, the same researchers add additional information they found after making the previous publication.

They mention the case of Kramer toothpaste and the case of Peter Paul’s chewing gum, made with activated charcoal and that was promoted as a chewing gum that when chewed refreshed the breath, helped to eliminate stains caused by tobacco and other types of stains on the teeth, all thanks to the absorbent benefits of activated carbon.

The publicity of this chewing gum sold the product as “good for your mouth, good for your breath, and good for your teeth” and alleged that it almost magically absorbed the impurities of the teeth.

But, the American Dental Association concluded that there is no evidence whatsoever that the inclusion of activated charcoal as part of the ingredients in this chewing gum actually contributes to dental health benefits; rather it is thought that it could be harmful, since the chewing gum itself contains a large amount of sugar that is not beneficial at all and it is not certain that the mixture with charcoal contributes in any positive way in the cleaning of the teeth.

They reaffirm that as professionals they can only recommend products that have in some way proven to be safe and effective for dental health.