How to Use the Grandmillenial trend to Update your Home Decor

With us all spending a significant amount of time at home at the moment, it has been a time that we have all thought about making the most of our home and ways that we can improve it. In fact, throughout lockdown there was a huge home improvement boom in the UK with many people searching for ways to make the most of their homes.

One of the biggest trends that is making a comeback and can be seen all over Instagram at the moment is the style known as ‘Grandmillennial’. This is a breath of fresh air for interior design, which has spent many years being ruled by stark and minimalist looks, as well as neutral colours and sparse rooms.

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The Grandmillenial look is a complete departure from this and the antidote we all need! The term is coined from the styles of yesteryear, typically favoured by the older generation – prints, chintz and fussy details are order of the day, creating a cosy and comfortable space to spend time in.

If you are looking to introduce this style to your home, look for tassled furniture, and features for the room – for example a ceiling rose or some statement lighting, creative cables supply ceiling roses which are perfect for adding that extra detail to your room.

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Creating this look is also a lot of fun – have a look for antique items of furniture in local second-hand shops and use cosy knits to add even more comfort to the room.