Types of Rubber Moulded Parts

There are different types of rubber moulded parts, and each has advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of the piece being manufactured, choosing the suitable material for the job is essential. If your part is intended to handle harsh or dynamic conditions, you should consider hard plastic. However, rubber is the way to go if you want a part that can stand up to heat or chemicals.

There are many manufacturing processes for making moulded rubber parts, including compression moulding, injection moulding, and transfer moulding. Although all of them have their strengths and weaknesses, they can produce high-quality parts.

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The most prevalent method of making moulded parts is injection moulding, and it involves heating raw rubber to a specific temperature before injecting it into a mould cavity. The result is a highly accurate part with excellent mechanical properties, and this process is also very time-efficient.

Transfer moulding is an alternative to injection moulding, requiring less material and a lower overall cost. This method allows for accurate part geometries and precise bonding of the moulded rubber to a metal surface.

Compression moulding is another form of rubber moulding. It’s a relatively straightforward process, requiring the uncured rubber to be placed between two heated plates. As a result, it’s an inexpensive solution for creating prototypes and low-volume production rubber parts. For more complex or long-term products, injection moulding is the better option.

The best way to determine which of these methods is the most suitable for your needs is to discuss your application with your mould maker. They can help you choose the proper type of material for your project. Consider consulting with their engineers early in the development process to ensure that your part can be produced efficiently. For help with UK Rubber Moulding, go to Meadex, a provider of UK Rubber Moulding  services.

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When choosing between these moulded rubber products, you need to consider the material’s ability to withstand harsh or dynamic environments. For example, if your part is used in the automotive industry, it will need to be resistant to oil and gas. Furthermore, the rubber compound can affect the part’s durometer or strength. A general guide is to use plastics for moderate or complex conditions and thermoset elastomers for more extreme conditions.

Of course, no rubber moulded part is complete without a well-constructed mould. Moulds are a vital component of any successful rubber product and should be designed for optimal efficiency. Typically, a basic compression mould consists of bottom and top plates. Another feature that is a must is a well-placed ejector. Finally, you’ll need to prepare uncured rubber pre-forms that can be inserted into the mould’s cavities.