How to make a beautiful garden in short place

The garden of aromatic plants

The aromatic and medicinal plants are resistant and strong species that often survive with both hot climates or in cold climates, and are almost not attacked by pests or fungal diseases that can affect their development. In addition to the indisputable culinary and medicinal properties, these plants are sometimes very decorative, beautiful to look at, with colorful and fragrant flowers. But you have to know how to make a beautiful garden to choose the area of the garden that best suits the needs of each plant, and we must also prepare the ground carefully, in which we intend to plant them. The planting carefully chosen, offers all year round color and texture, and even fragrance and some protection on a windy day.


How to make a beautiful garden

The right place for a garden of aromatic plants

In choosing the corner of the garden dedicated to the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants, special attention must be paid to locate the least exposed place to sources of contamination (neighboring streets, intense traffic, etc. Between the variables that are very important for the calculation of the election of the place, they are:

1) Sun exposure

Some plants are light-loving, and for a prosperous development, they need to grow in areas exposed to sunlight for several hours a day, but other plants vegetate well only if they grow in shade or complete darkness. Keep reading


2) Exposure to the wind

Almost all plants, even the most resistant, should be protected from the winds with great care. Therefore, we must identify the most protected position, which will guarantee the plants a certain protection against too much cold.


3) Type of floor

The floor is so much important for gardening. Read this you can know how to make a beautiful garden.  It is almost always necessary to choose well-drained soils, in order to avoid the dreaded stagnant water, causing endless problems for the plants and their care. In fact, excess moisture, in addition to promoting the development of fungal diseases, adversely affects the quality of medicinal and aromatic plants. Therefore, one should normally avoid clay soils where there is excessive water retention with the consequences described above, you must also be careful to avoid soil too rich, in fact, the development of vegetation will decrease the amount of active and aromatic compounds present in the plant. In general, the best choice for this type of garden of aromatic plants, is a light and slightly alkaline soil, facing south in areas with colder climates, and well protected from drafts.


Plants and balsamic weather, how to make a beautiful garden

The collection of aromatic and medicinal plants for conservation should always be done at the balsamic moment of each species. The balsamic time is the moment when the presence, in the plant, of the essential oils and aromatic principles is at its peak. It should be remembered that these characteristics also depend on the age of the plant, the nature of the seasons and the time of harvest.


This is a general outline for the collection of different aromatic plants

March: caper, gentian

April: calendula, dandelion

May: levistic, sorrel, chamomile, parsley

June: borage, tarragon, mauve, yarrow, rosemary, rue, sage, thyme

July: laurel, wormwood, basil, cumin, sagebrush, hyssop, lavender, lemon balm, mint, oregano, mustard

August: garlic, onion, cilantro, fennel, iris, hops, marjoram, red pepper, tasty, parsley, celery

September: dill, angelica, calendula, capers, dandelion, horseradish

October: gentian, juniper, mauve, levistic

November: Laurel

Perfumed garden

how to create a corner with the delicious fragrance of flowers, so in summer it spreads everywhere. The species used are flowering in summer, bloom simultaneously and are predominantly white. The species are all bulb plants, with the exception of Nepeta, a perennial herbaceous plant, blue-purple, it also has an exquisite perfume of flowers, a persistent fragrance of its leaves. All species are grown in the soil and not in pots.

1) HymenocallisXfestalis (Hyacinth of South Africa)

2) Nepeta X fasten

3) Amaryllis belladonna (March lily)

4) Acidanthera bicolor

5) Galtonia candicans

6) Cardiocrinum giganteum (Lily)


A cover for bees

The planting of a hedge of trees for bees guarantees a continuous production of nectar and pollen, from February to September. It requires a large production of pollen at the beginning of the season and a large production of nectar, from April to July.

1) Lime

2) False acacia

3) Cherry tree

4) Hazel (Hazel)

5) Mountain plum

6) Viburnum opalus (Sabuco rosa)

7) Rosa de monte

8) Henna

9) Wild cherry

10) Dandelion

11) White Spirea

12) Clover

13) Ipomoea (scare wolves)

14) Lotus corniculatus (foot of rooster)

15) Mallow

garden of aromatic plants bees

garden of aromatic plants bees1


A parterre of aromatic plants

1) Angelica archangelica (Angelica)

2) Laurus nobilis (Laurel)

3) Petroselinum Hortense (Curly Parsley)

4) Ocymum basilicum (Basil)

5) Rosmarinus officinalis (Romero)

6) Symphytum officinalis (Comfrey)

garden of aromatic plants parterre

garden of aromatic plants parterre2


A parterre of aromatic plants 2

1) Lavender spica (Lavender)

2) Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel)

3) Borrego officinalis (Borage)

4) Salvia officinalis (Salvia)

5) Matricaria chamomilla (Chamomile)

6) Petroselinum Hortense (Curly Parsley)

7) Allium cepa (onion cabezon)

garden of aromatic plants parterre3



Gardening is a good habit. Garden can make your home more healthy. The aromatic tree is so much helpful for us, if you can make an aromatic garden in your home it will be great. So here we live an article to know how to make a beautiful garden at home. I think you will be helpful to read this article. Thank You.