Has Gareth Southgate single handedly brought back the waistcoat?

There were four rather striking things from the 2018 World Cup in Russia. The first was Robbie Williams offensive hand gesture at the opening ceremony, which went relatively undiscussed, that fact that it was actually a well run event and not propaganda driven exercise for the leader Valdimer Putin, England actually reached the Semi Finals (deservedly so) and finally, the England manager Gareth Southgate sported a natty blue waistcoat throughout the entire campaign. Maybe even Ralph Lauren Menswear will consider making one?

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The issue is, for years, this garment has been loved and loathed and has also often been the subject of ridicule. Many conclude that it merely serves to limit the wearer, does not look clever and is simply a pointless bit of dress, whereas others sing their praises for providing additional flair, style and extra comfort.

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Whilst the Gareth’s waistcoat, and it’s appearance on fellow England star David Beckham and the entire male cast of Peaky Blinders making them cool The waistcoat also risks making you look like a 1970s estate agent, a cruise ship entertainments host plus it was the go-to statement piece from Boyzone and they are loved by the Chippendales, so this speaks volumes.

The trick to pulling it off is to ensure that it blends in without looking over the top and that it is perfect for the occasion. The trick here is to select a single-breasted waistcoat in a fabric that fits well and complements your ensemble properly. For a more relaxed look, tweeds and checks are perfect and a looser, rather than a closer fit, is always a winner.