Interesting facts about the world of curtains

Where we would be without our home curtains. These are our pride and joy as they compliment the wallpaper and paint schemes that you’ve carefully laid out. Have you ever wondered where the idea for curtains came from? The answer might seem pretty self explanatory but you might be a bit surprised how recently the appearance of curtains has been. One thing that you will find is that Curtain Makers Islington based will definitely provide you with some perfect ones,

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The idea of putting a price of linen over your window would have been a big waste of material prior to the 1500’s. If you were going to hang any kind of fabric on the walls you’d have chosen A nice tapestry or thick linen and woollen sheets. You do this to try and keep the heat in the home.  Windows, if you’d even had them, would have been covered with pieces of oiled card sheet or thick wooden planks as shutters.

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Curtains belonged to the rich and they were the only people who were able to install them in their houses.  Given that many of these were castles, the thin triangular windows did not need huge pieces of fabric to cover them.  As the centuries rolled by, access to material became cheaper and more affordable  for everyone in Society.  Taking the lead from the landed gentry many decided to copy the exquisite curtain design.