The concepts of business and company are somewhat subjective, each entrepreneur has his own concept of what a business and a company can mean, for example, for some they are different concepts, while for others, they simply mean the same thing.
Let’s see what is in our opinion the definition of a business and a company, and then, what we believe is the difference between the two. Here is the most popular business in the world.
In the first case, the business of buying a home and then renting or selling it is a method or way of making money in exchange for offering a benefit to other people; while the company dedicated to buying homes and then renting or selling them is an entity set up to carry out this type of business (real estate company).
These concepts can be confused, thinking that a business is a small company (something that is often thought), however, this is not correct, because, in the example, the business is a method, while the company consists of an entity that performs said methods. And, in addition, taking into account the second concept that we gave of a business, the real estate company could also be considered as a business, in this case, a real estate business.
Most popular business
1. Amazon: 150.8 billion dollars – United States

The company founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994 today is the largest “trade” in the world. Only in 2017, the company had an increase of 42% thanks to a strategy of permanent innovation and cost savings, worth studying.
2. Apple: 146.3 billion dollars – United States
Apple is synonymous with innovation, however, the apple company after failures such as the launch of the iPhone X, its future is not encouraging. This does not mean that the company founded by Steve Jobs runs some risk, but yes, many of its shareholders can lose money.
3. Google: 120.9 billion dollars – United States
According to Brand Finance, Google is the third most valuable brand in the world in 2018, falling from the first place where it was located in 2017. However, the Youtube company, which belongs to the “search engine”, has achieved a value of 25 thousand millions of dollars, more than double what it was worth last year.
4. Samsung: 92.3 billion dollars – South Korea
The telecommunications giant is the first non-US company to appear in the ranking. The Korean company climbed two places to reach the fourth position, achieving an increase of 39%.
5. Facebook: 89.6 billion dollars – United States
The social network founded by Mark Zuckerberg that today has more than one billion users is the company that climbed the most posts (in the top ten), with respect to 2017. Facebook has grown by 45%.
6. AT & T: 82.4 billion dollars – United States
The telecommunications company, owner of Direct TV, among other companies, has dropped from fourth to sixth place, registering a loss of its value by 5%.
7. Microsoft: 81.1 billion dollars – United States
In the month of April of 1975, two people would found one of those companies. They were Bill Gates and Paul Allen, co-founders of Microsoft. Do you know how they managed to get their brand to enter the world? Today we tell you the details of the history of Microsoft.
During the 70s, work basically depended on typewriters, the concept of microcomputer was not established. In society and few were the lucky ones who could have one. It is in 1975 when Gates and Allen constitute Microsoft with the main objective of having at least one computer at home.
In 1980, the giant IBM contacted Microsoft to create an operating system that could be marketed in the new equipment of the brand. In this way, MS-DOS emerges as the Microsoft Disk Operating System.
During the period between 1982 and 1985, Microsoft worked on the creation of new operating systems, with the emergence of Interface Manager, which would later be called Windows.
At first, Windows was announced in 1983 but it was not until 1985 when Windows 1.0 came on the market with MS-DOS, Paint, Windows Writer, Notepad or Calculator, among other programs and features.
For its correct operation, Windows 1.0 required 256 kilobytes (KB), two double-sided diskette drives and a graphics adapter card.
In 1987 Windows 2.0 appeared in the Market, which undoubtedly would also contribute to Windows becoming in 1988 the largest computer equipment company in the world by sales volume.
Far from stalling, Windows sells more than 10 million copies of Windows 3.0 and 3.1 in the first two years, the milestone that is exceeded in 1995 when Microsoft set a sales record to sell more than 7 million copies of Windows 95 during his first five weeks in stores.
More than 8 million BetaTester tested Windows 7 before its launch
At present, the versions of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 adopt a renewed aesthetic that incorporates tactile functions and icons. This innovative vision according to the brand itself, has not left users indifferent. Obtaining criticism and also favorable opinions in the face of this radical change.
In its latest financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year 2014, Microsoft has presented the following figures:
Microsoft earned an income of 18,529 million dollars.
There is an increase of more than 2,500 million dollars compared to the same period in 2013.
6,334 million dollars of gross profits, 19% more than the first fiscal quarter of 2013.
The divisions grouped into Devices and Consumers end the quarter with a growth of 4% to 7,460 million dollars.
Windows and Office revenues down 7%
Thanks to the sale of Xbox consoles, the Hardware division increases its revenue by 37%.
In short, Microsoft is living a key moment to get the best first quarter of its history in income. In spite of being immersed in a process of change and transition. Will it continue with this positive trend in the future?
8. Verizon: 62.8 billion dollars – United States
Like its main rival (AT & T), Verizon has devalued by 5% compared to 2017. These losses can be the cause of the tremendous progress of Chinese companies.
9. Wallmart: 61.5 billion dollars – United States
The largest supermarket chain in the world is the most valuable company in the world. Without counting the technology and telecommunications.
10. ICBC: 59.2 billion dollars – China
For years, the ICBC in China has become the largest bank in the world. In ten years he has climbed from the 91st position to the tenth position. Thus closing the top ten of the most valuable companies in the world.
The most valuable Latin companies in the world in 2018:
In the ranking of the 500 most valuable companies in the world. There are only eight Latin American brands. On this five are from Brazil, two from Mexico, and one from Colombia.