It’s long been proven that the best websites, especially those made for schools are designed and built by professionals such as Containing any relevant and up to date information on staffing, general procedures, extra-curricular activities, term dates, trips, children’s awards and achievements, news and the school’s values, ethos and ethics. These bespoke sites are maintained and regularly updated by the team of experts that created them, allowing the school to focus on the important aspect of educating every child entrusted to their care.
Every school website is usually the first port of call if there is inclement weather over the weekend or snow has fallen heavily overnight, parents can read any relevant information that’s been posted, and they don’t need to ring the school directly. During the Covid Pandemic the websites of most schools held important information regarding suspected and confirmed cases allowing every parent to make an informed decision about whether or not to send their child to school that day.
Many schools closed their doors to children during the Pandemic because it was deemed unsafe for them to attend, important information regarding teaching times and lessons for each day and how the children could access their teaching was displayed on each schools website making it easier and simpler for parents to follow the clear and precise instructions given. Laptops were lent to families struggling to provide enough computer access for their children and all this information was also delivered over the portal of the website.